About CCW Bag Carry
Concealed carry is a vast theme, full of seemingly endless discussions. There are tons of arguments for each concealed carry styled. Even though, there is one carry style that is “shunned”. Is it just?
Concealed Carry Bags
There is a theory that the gun can be carried in any bag or pouch, that has its supporters. It can. But in the case of need you might not able to use it at all. That is why the Bags, Pouches and Bum bags were introduced. They are much more effective, having a special compartment for the gun, keeping it “at hand” and easy to find. In fact, this compartment usually has in-built fast opening system. All the basic designs might be classified into 4 main categories: Tactical, Civil, Business and Tourist.
The greatest Pros & Cons
Comfort – wearing the gun in a bag/pouch eliminates any discomfort caused by direct contact with the gun.
Space – pouches provide enough extra space. Apart from standard stuff can accommodate also additional equipment for your EDC. Lots of bags are designed to be used to fit business requirements. That means even at the office you have everything in your reach- tablet, notebook, diary all together with your equipment.
Variability – from different pints of view:
- You can conceal any gun type.
- Different materials and designs fitting the use of the bag. Bearing in mind the different carry styles: MOLLE or belt loops, rucksack, shoulder bag, handbag, chest bag or bum bag. These being only the most common designs.
- Most of the bags are designed for ambidextrous use of both right and left handers.
Gun Draw – the greatest disadvantage of bags and pouches is the gun draw. The speed of your draw is proportional to your training. Most often frequent opening system are tearing zippers.
Theft – yes, pouches and bags always were a point of interest of thieves. Everyone keeps their things in one place, which is nice, because you have everything “at hand”. Until the problem emerges and the bag with all your belongings gets stolen.
Selfe-defense – When you get surprised by an aggressor, two situations might follow. You might have your bag out of hand, or you end up on the ground and thus will not be able to reach your gun. Keep in mind that the base of successful self-defense lies in the precaution.
,,For every situation a solution can be found“

CCW Bag Carry Positions
- Shoulder CCW Bags
- Hand CCW Bags
- Fanny Packs
- Belt Pouches
- Platform
Worn over the soulder, fixed across the body with a strap and attached to the belt. Very practical gun carry option also allowing you to carry other daily neccessities along with it. Gun is positioned vertically or under an angle in a quick draw zipped compartment, close to the body.
Same idea as the Shoulder Bag, only designed as a ladies bag. In this case, the gun is placed horizontally in a separate compartment, for practical reasons.
Many users prefer Fanny Packs over Shoulder Bags anytime the dress code allows it. The main reason behind this is having a gun on the body and the fact, that Fanny Pack does not move. Gun is positioned horizontally and allows a quick draw. User does not need belt or strong trousers to carry the Fanny Pack, thanks to its own carrying system adjustable to any waist size.
Basically the Fanny Pack attached to the belt via belt loops, instead of its own carrying system, . Usually used for smaller guns, since it holds a gun in vertical position that woul make the bigger gun carry non-ergonomical.
Couldn't find Shoulder Bag or Fanny Pack which would suit your style? Simply opt for a platform that can be placed into any bag or fixed to a table or car interior. Platforms are reinforced with plastic and covered with wool velcro or other fabrics with the same functionality. Gun is placed in the holder that adheres to the platform via velcro.
Choose your best CCW bag here:
- All CCW Bags
- Shoulder CCW Bags
- Lady CCW Bags
- Fanny packs
- Belt pouches
What to consider when choosing a CCW bag?
At first, consider the position of the your weapon when carrying.
Choose the right material of CCW bag for the type of use & carry.
All our products are custom made for your gun. Therfore we guarantee the prefect gun fit.
We offer only the best quality of material for reasonable and affordable price.
Our products come with 2 or 5 years warranty – depending on the material.
We guarantee the highest safety standards of online shpping.
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